CBAP® Online Study
Exam Help

The CBAP Online Study Exam (OSE) system helps you prepare for and to pass the CBAP exam administered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®).

Our exam simulator is only one area you need to focus on prior to taking the CBAP exam. The primary source of information is the IIBA Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®) Guide v3 and you really need to read it and learn it, namely chapters 1-10. Our exam will help you evaluate how well you retained that information. We suggest studying the BABOK, materials from our CBAP Prep Course if you attended one, and other sources to understand the exam topics and content, and then use our exam simulator to test your knowledge. That will make better use of your prep time rather than starting with the exam simulator as a means to understanding the exam content. Time is also a factor. Give yourself at least 1 to 3 months to study the BABOK Guide and use our exam simulator to test your knowledge.

NOTE: the actual CBAP exam will have 2 types of questions: scenario and case study. Our warm-ups, and drills modes will help you with scenario-based questions. Our exam simulations are where you can practice both scenario-based and case study questions that you will find on the actual exam.

Our Online Study Exam (OSE) lets you practice using three modes. We encourage you to use all three modes as you prepare for the your exam.
Our Online Study Exam (OSE) is designed to help you internalize the knowledge you need to pass the exam. It has been our experience that a variety of question types and formats helps candidates understand concepts and techniques in different ways which helps with knowledge retention and exam success. Therefore, the OSE is intended to be both a study aid and an exam prep tool. With that goal in mind, we broadened question design to make it easier to learn what you need to know - and pass your test!

OSE Design:

When you log in, you always be shown this screen where you will be able to: Watermark Learning
Note: The above screen image will vary slightly depending on the exam type.
Note that the buttons in the blue navigation menu change depending on the progress of your exam.

Once you start an exam, the blue navigation menu looks like this - with the appearance of the 'Submit Exam' button: Watermark Learning
This is the primary screen for taking and reviewing an exam. You have the option to: You can view correct answers and feedback information while you are taking the exam or after you submit an exam and then review it. The rules for how answers and feedback are shown vary depending on the exam type: Reviewing answers and feedback as you progress can be a useful learning method earlier in your preparation.

Typical usage. Press the 'Next >>' button to answer a question and move to the next one for any mode. In Warm-Up and Drill modes, use the 'Submit Answer' button to submit your answer and see the correct answer without leaving the question.

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The detailed contents of the Status Bar are displayed by hovering your mouse over the legend (such as Flagged) and will remain on the screen until you move the mouse away. For tablet devices, just touch the legend and click 'Close Window' to clear the information box. Watermark Learning

Once an exam has been submitted, you can review the exam. Two features are activated in this mode: Watermark Learning

Results are displayed in one of two ways:
  1. At the end of a warm-up, drill, or exam simulation after answering all questions.
  2. By pressing the menu item Submit Exam.
For simulations, you will receive a confirmation screen, allowing you the choice of:
  1. Returning to and reviewing questions ('Back to Exam'). This is helpful to review flagged questions and complete any you skipped, or to change your answer.
  2. Viewing results summary ('View Results' button)
  3. Viewing exam History ('View History' button) which displays results for each exam taken.
Results in the Exam Results summary are displayed by Knowledge Area, showing numbers of correct, incorrect, and unanswered questions. An overall percentage score is also displayed. See example below.

You can review the results of all previous exams. Initially you will see the most recent exam. Navigate to prior exam results by clicking the buttons in the 'Track your progress' box. When you click 'View This Exam's Questions' you will be able to review all questions for that exam in review mode.

You also have the option of viewing all past exams in summary form. Click 'Results Summary'.

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To print the results summary, use your browser's Print function. Note: printing of individual questions is not permitted, and violates the terms and conditions of your subscription.

For your exam history, print a summary after each drill or simulated exam. Keep the summaries to compare your progress as you do your preparation.

This screen shows a list of all previously completed exams in summary form.

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